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03-20-17 Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey

A template for more enheartened, authentic love relationships, AND invites couples and other significant pairings (friends, business colleagues) to move their powerful relational energy into the world to effect change. Rather than limiting their gaze to each other, partners are invited to take their focus outward, channeling their energies toward those causes that both unite them and transform the world we live in. With love as the fuel for inspired action, the relationship becomes a homage to sacred purpose, finding its deeper meaning in its efforts to positively influence the planet. Written by sacred activists Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade (with a Foreword by ‘An Uncommon Bond’ author Jeff Brown).

Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed poet, novelist, translator, mystical scholar, and spiritual teacher. Harvey has published over 20 books including Son of Man and The Return of the Mother. Harvey is a Fellow of All Souls College Oxford from and has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, The California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality, as well as, various spiritual centers throughout the United States. He was the subject of the 1993 BBC film documentary The Making of a Modern Mystic and Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism in Oak Park, Illinois.

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