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barbara bergerDreamvisions 7 Radio Network and Deborah Beauvais welcomes back Barbara Berger Best Selling Author, Life Coach & Therapist to the Love By Intuition Show. We’ll be discussing Barbara’s amazing personal journey fleeing to another country, starting a Macrobiotic Teaching Center and so much more Tuesday August 22nd Live at 3pmET/9pmCopenhagen on syndicated Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network.  LISTEN LIVE Get our Apps. Other broadcasts are August 30th & September 1st at 6am & 6pmET LISTEN HERE

To Call In and Talk with Deborah & Barbara on Air: 833-220-1200 or 319-527-2638 

“MY ROAD TO POWER – Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness”, author Barbara BergerAutobiography entitled:
“MY ROAD TO POWER – Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness”.

Many readers want to know more about Barbara Berger and her “Road to Power”.  How did she do it? What was her pathway? Now, in her captivating and ruthlessly honest autobiography, “MY ROAD TO POWER – Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness”, Barbara shares, for the first time, her amazing life story and her own long, challenging road to power.

From a childhood in the cultural wasteland of American suburbia to rebellion against the Vietnam War and going underground, fleeing to Europe, Canada and Mexico and then finally to Scandinavia where Barbara and her husband Steve got political asylum and where Barbara became a leading voice in the youth rebellion of the late 60s, this book tells the story of those tumultuous times. From runaway hippie to vanguard author and leader, to new marriage and three children, then head of a thriving Macrobiotic health center in downtown Copenhagen, followed by breakdown, divorce and the struggle to become a free and independent woman. Until today, where Barbara is now the author of 15 successful self-help books, two of which are international bestsellers published in 30 languages.

But “MY ROAD TO POWER” is much more than Barbara’s own, personal story – it is also a historical journey through the major collective movements and experiments arising since the Second World War – the Beat Generation, the Hippies, mind-altering drugs, travelling to the East (for enlightenment), organic foods, organic living, moving to the country, collective living and more. The saga ends as Barbara’s focus changes (because of her own struggles and inner work) to the rising awareness of the power of mind and consciousness in shaping our lives and societies. Discoveries which are of major importance in today’s very challenging and troubled world.

About Barbara Berger
American-born Barbara Berger is the best-selling author of “The Road to Power – Fast Food for the Soul” (published in 30 languages), “Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life” (published in 21 languages), “The Awakening Human Being – A Guide to the Power of Mind”, and “Find and Follow Your Inner Compass”. Barbara’s latest books include “Healthy Models for Relationships – the Basic Principles Behind Good Relationships With Your Partner, Family, Parents, Children, Friends, Colleagues and All the Other People in Your Life” and her autobiography entitled “My Road to Power – Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness”. Barbara lives in Copenhagen, Denmark and works as coach and therapist, helping people around the globe come into alignment with their own true power. For more about Barbara see her Web site:

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