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Translator, Shaman and Author Heather Cumming joins Deborah Beauvais from Brazil on the Love By intuition Show to speak about the most revered medium and healer John of God August 15th & 18th at 6am & 6pmET on syndicated Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network. Listen: or get our Apps.

John of God Workshops October 03, 2017 – October 05, 2017 at Omega Institute

Please call Omega at 877.944.2002 to register for this workshop.

 Omega is pleased to welcome John of God (João Teixeira de Faria) back to our campus in Rhinebeck, New York. This is a special opportunity to experience one of the world’s most revered spiritual healers and mediums from Brazil, where John of God has seen millions of visitors in search of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

People fill the campus each day of this unique event and help to transform Omega into a place of contemplation, where one can experience the power of faith within a loving community.

John of God’s team of healers lead guided meditation, prayer, testimonials, and times of silence to create a nurturing environment. John of God sees individuals briefly and suggests their next healing step.

Some say they have been cured of disease; others say that while a physical cure was not achieved, a spiritual or emotional healing was. Most say that their time spent in his presence was a profound and transformative experience.

Healer and medium John of God (João Teixeira de Faria) welcomes thousands of visitors each year to his center, the Casa de Dom Inácio, in Brazil. Described as “an immaculate example of generosity and charity…[who] gives to those in need without strings and with such grace,” John of God is committed to being a conduit of love and healing for anyone who needs it.

Is recognized throughout the world for his paranormal healing ability. This dedicated medium has spent 43 years healing thousands of people weekly as the channel for over 30 different entities that perform spiritual healing. His work is free of charge and no one is ever turned away. People come from all over the world for healing at his center, the Casa de Dom Inácio. They are from all walks of life, with all conceivable ailments, many of which have been declared terminal or incurable. Scientific study and documentation of the results of John of God’s work place the cure rate at a remarkable 85%.

Some of the principle Entities:
There are 33 Entities who work through Medium João. Some of the Entities have chosen not to reveal their identity but are frequent visitors nonetheless. During incorporation the Entity carries with him his own personality from the past life and is recognized in João’s mannerisms and behavior. Sometimes João in-Entity will discard his glasses and scientists have recorded that the colors of his eyes change to match the color that the particular Entity had when alive. Patients receiving healing energy from the Entities will often be moved to tears.

Dom Inácio de Loyola 1491-1556 – St. Ignatius of Loyola is the principle Entity after whom the Casa is named. When João incorporates the entity of Dom Inácio many miracles happen. He works calmly for many hours, a testimony of his unlimited compassion, kindness and patience. “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient.” – St. Ignatius of Loyola

Dr Augusto de Almeida is one of the most frequent Entities at the Casa de Dom Inácio. He is reported to have been in the military, a rubber tapper and a doctor in previous incarnations. When Dr Augusto incorporates he is recognized for his strong personality and his somewhat authoritarian manner. He is known to be extremely kind and is deeply loved by all. “My phalange comprises not of ten, nor a hundred but thousands of Helping Spirits. I am the one who reaches to the very depths of the abyss to save a soul.” – Dr. Augusto de Almeida.

Dr Oswaldo Cruz 1872 – 1917. Medical doctor, founder of Medicina Experimental Brasileira, is credited for eradicating the yellow fever epidemic in Brazil. He is a direct and forthright in his interactions while at the same time extremely kind, and compassionate. He has the most beautiful eyes, which seemingly pour out unconditional love to all in his view – a very powerful and moving experience. He will often request that wristwatches be removed as it disturbs his current.

Dr. José Valdivino – There is a photograph in the surgery room of the Casa where one can see the Entity so fully incorporated that João’s physical body is almost completely replaced by Dr. José Valdivino. Very little is known about this Entity who when asked replied simply that he was a protector of families. During his healings he is extremely gentle, compassionate and loving. He possesses energy that is especially powerful for curing paraplegics. With a touch of his hand and a command for them to walk, or move the afflicted limb, many miraculous healings have been recorded.

Heather Cumming is a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master / teacher and certified Syntropy practitioner. She was born and raised on a ranch in the remote interior of Brazil where Shamanism is a way of life. This rich heritage fostered Heather’s love and understanding of people living in traditional ways. Her practice of Shamanism is an extension of these origins and early exposure to healing methods that reflect harmony with Nature and the Universe. She has studied with shamans and healers in Brazil, Bolivia and the U.S. including Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Brugh Joy, Brazilian and Peruvian shamans Ipupiara and Cleicha Peixoto, John Perkins, Linda Hooper and Medical Qigong Master Binhue He. Heather completed Sandra Ingerman’s two year Shamanic teacher training and is a certified teacher for Medicine for The Earth. Heather’s eclectic approach to healing blends years of experience as a vibrational healer with core Shamanism. Through her popular courses she has introduced many to Shamanic Healing and Reiki. She maintains a private practice in Norwalk, CT. Heather has traveled widely and is an experienced group and quest leader. She is bilingual in English and Portuguese, fluent in Spanish, and is reasonable in French.

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