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Deb-JR-LOGOThe Angelic Realm, Intuitive Reads, Energy Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Akashic Record Reads and Soul Retrieval are topics graciously imbued on The Jenn Royster Show which is going into the second year on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network. Dr. Jenn can be heard every Thursday at 10am & 10pmEST, we invite you into the journey within. One can click Listen Live on the or a quick link is

Jenn-Royster_3dd0e50-150x150Dr. Jenn Royster holds several degrees including Doctor of Divinity, Ordained Spiritual Minister, M.S in Metaphysics, and Reiki Master. Jenn is well known for her innovative style in Intuitive Reads, Energy Healing, Spiritual Crisis Support and Guidance, Akashic Record Reads, Soul Retrieval and Support for Empaths. Her work with empaths has gained respect with many Medical Doctors and Psychologists, who refer patients to her for Spiritual Counseling when clinical routes show no results. A positive move forward in showing the importance and power that Energy Healing brings to healthcare.  or

A Recent Listener Testimonial:
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart with your help. I have listened to your show since 2010 and I resonate a lot with your energy work. I am very sensitive and an empath and you have helped me very well on the way since my spiritual awakening in 2010. At that time my husband and I had serious problems in our relationship and nearly split up despite of two lovely girls. That was when I think my angels led me to your radio show and I think there is not a show I did not hear. I was on your show some years ago and you felt that I had a lot of fear and since then I have worked a lot with Archangel Michael and a lot of the other Archangels and I have a gotten very close to my guardian angels. I work as a cardiologist and use the energy as good as possible when seeing the very sick people – I also feel the souls of the patients who’s life we cannot save in fx. the emergency room. I think it is a gift from you and from heaven and I want to thank you for that :0) I hope to meet you one day in person.
Love from Marie

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