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Marianne-Susan04-25-16   Dr. Susan Shumsky: Awaken Your Divine Intuition

Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit. Open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. Open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.

Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the author of 13 books, published by Simon & Schuster, Random House, and New Page. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent more than 45 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Power of Chakras, and the upcoming Awaken Your Third Eye.

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