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Dr Sonya Jensen02-11-22 Your Hormones Your Story: Dr. Sonya Jensen

Dr. Sonya Jensen has been working with women for over a decade, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and helping them gain freedom from the chains of society, their hormones, and the mantra that continuously plays in so many of their minds, “I’m not enough.” Dr. Jensen has made it clear that healing hormones isn’t just a job for the physical body but the heart, mind, and even the soul. The experiences a woman has from the womb onward, dictate her thoughts and beliefs about herself and life. These beliefs, in turn, dictate the actions and communication pathways of her hormones, creating her personality and, therefore, creating her life. Dr. Jensen details the science behind hormones and the wisdom behind womanhood, illustrating how the dance between the two makes way for either a woman’s healing or her suffering.

Dr. Sonya Jensen is a Naturopathic Physician that has a mission to change the way women understand their bodies and themselves. She believes that women are the center of their families and communities and therefore by supporting them, she is creating a ripple effect that will support the whole. Dr. Jensen is a mother of two boys, a yoga teacher, a workshop and retreat leader, a podcaster, and runs her practice with her husband where they help their community move into a state of thriving from surviving. She believes it is everyone’s birthright to live a happy, healthy, joyful, and abundant life.

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