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SimranNEW-Dr House11-30-15 Dr Richard House ~Between Now and When relates a transcendent journey from earthly suffering and addiction into the rarely glimpsed supra-reality of higher dimensions.

Between Now and When will:
Take you on a metaphysical journey around the world
Open your eyes to the energetic grid that organizes earthly life
Help you understand human suffering and why it is an important part of God’s life on earth
Open your heart to the unlimited power of divine and human love

Dr. Richard House has been practicing medicine for more than 40 years, first as a traditional medical doctor and then, for the past 20 years, as an acupuncturist utilizing the chakras for energetic healing. His travels have taken him around the world three times and to most of the United States for meditative and higher dimensional work. He lives in North Carolina on an organic farm with his family and enjoys beekeeping and animal husbandry. He holds a second degree black belt in taekwondo and is proficient with the longbow.

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