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Dr. Christopher Macklin09-08-22 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Dr. Christopher Macklin author of Centering the Mind a powerful health practitioner from England who utilizes Divine Healing techniques to help people recover from all types of illness both spiritual and physical. Dr. Christopher will share his impressive healing story from being a highly aware psychic child to a successful aviation industry engineer to a series of financial difficulties and the world as he knew it turned upside down. He promised God that he would use his healing abilities to serve humanity and he surrendered the rest to God. And so started his devotion to Divine Healing methods and helping many. We will discuss raising your immune system re-balancing the brain through centering the mind dissolving the enigma of Healing discuss Covid and the vaccine agenda and the long- term effects of this pandemic and the effects on the health of the general public. Dr. Macklin shares his amazing life journey and ways to understand true healing which combines mind body and spirit unity balance and the centering of the mind.

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