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john-gray08-19-15  John Gray is the leading relationship expert in the world and best-selling author of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.”

Do You Want to Be More Focused in Life and Love? with the Legendary Dr. John

Do you often find your mind wandering? Is lack of focus negatively impacting you in life and love? If you said “yes” tune in to my discussion with the legendary Dr. John Gray who, for the past 30 years has taught us how we are different and given us new insights into better communication and stronger relationships. Dr. Gray says that we need more than new communication skills and an understanding of our differences to have healthy relationships these days. We also need the nutritional support necessary for positive moods, sustained energy and most importantly, focus.

In the midst of our accelerated progress, our modern society has lost our way. We have a greater consciousness of new possibilities but we feel less connected in our relationships due to our loss of focus. Dr. Gray has devoted the past 10 years to researching mental health and its effect on our relationships. He has reviewed thousands of medical studies and traveled the world to find ancient remedies for improving one’s mind, mood and focus.

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