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Julie JD Cross author of Prophecies in the Light of Christ01-06-21 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews once again, Julie Cross and Bill Johnson authors of Book of Diaries Messages From Heaven which may help us to understand and to be part of a healing for ourselves and the world during these changing and challenging times in human history.  Julie who is a seer in the Spirit since birth and in her journals writes what Jesus and His Chosen have given to her to share with those who want to listen, some messages about their personal lives and also an awareness of life in the Spiritual Realm. JD and Bill have received messages about The Lost Books of the Essences and the Lost Books of the Apostles” that were hidden from man and not previously available for our viewing. The Essences the group Jesus belonged to were a mystical group of the Jewish people more in alignment with personal development and adherence to God’s order of nature man and spirit personally experiences.

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