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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Presents the Debut Today July 10th at 5pm & 5amEST–2pm & 2amPST of Ciracle Radio with Jim Graywolf Petruzzi, Sue Petruzzi hailing from Colorado and Sharon Bar’Or from Israel

Show Description:
A subsidiary of Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother, 501C3 Ciracle Radio airs programs of a spiritual nature. Topics are often around personal healing, indigenous teachings, nature and the environment and alternative, holistic approaches to mind, body, spirit and emotional enhancement. The life experiences the hosts have had with healers and indigenous elders around the world as teachers allow rare insights. Guests from many walks of life often join the shows. Listeners are invited to suggest topics for shows. Recent examples have been Kundalini Energy, Heyoka Medicine and Instincts and Senses.

First Show:
Sanctuaries: Manifesting Our Visions:

Our guests are Jack Martin of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a long time non-profit participant and a grandfather mindful of the generations yet to come. And Isaiah Webb, a board member of Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother and the lead energy on the site development for the circle.
We have invited people of other non-profits working on a vision in the past and will do so periodically in the future. We five on this weeks’ show will share our reasons for supporting the Sanctuary vision and talk about the extraordinary growth of the organization over the past 2 years.
Some topics we will cover: What makes a vision viable? How do we share it so others can get involved? How do we use technology to share spiritual and educational concepts? How does working on positive missions also help us heal as individuals?

Sanctuaries of the Earth other is a great vehicle for this show because the circle has expanded, shifted, added many new pieces… and is now poised to secure a property for the next phase of its’ growth – a physical Sanctuary where we can teach, do ceremony and work on our mission to provide a healthier, more sustainable legacy for the children of the future. Help us by joining the discussion.

Adopt a month of Ciracle Radio – support the ripples by donating $39 to
Ciracle Radio is a member of the Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother family.

Learn more about the Hosts:

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