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FOM5:  The new AI Scare?
Nov 3-4, 2017
San Francisco, California
The 5th Foundations of Mind conference launches Henry Stapp’s new book, Quantum Theory & Free Will, and reveals fresh insights in quantum computation and the foundations of physics.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems will keep us as pets. Massive unemployment is anticipated as AI systems learn to drive cars, translate accurately, stock shelves, provide medical care, provide education, and much else. Silicon-based life forms reflect on the brief carbon-based intelligence era before the singularity.  Cybersecurity changes are required, as existing systems are no longer guaranteed secure. All of these themes are rampant in the second decade of the 21st century, yet they do not reveal the full story.
Join us for two days of lively discussion and inspirational controversy revealing insights involving quantum theory, free will, and life with Artificial Intelligence. Confirmed Speakers Include: Stanley Klein, Menas Kafatos, Wolfgang Baer, Henry Stapp, Sean O Nuallain, Cynthia Sue Larson, Fred Alan Wolf, Aamod Shanker, Mansoor Vakili, Bev Rubik, Stan McDaniel, and many others.
Free for Full-time students. For others a suggested donation: $200. Nobody turned away for lack of funds.
This conference is organized by Foundations of Mind founder Sean O Nuallain, and hosted by the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) Center for Consciousness Studies.
Contact: (510) 725-8877
and Allan Combs, Director of the CIIS Center for Consciousness Studies:
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