Conversations that Make a Difference Archives with Teresa Velardi
No Excuses with Christopher Rausch
08-02-22 No Excuses with Christopher Rausch Bio: Christopher Rausch is debatable the world's most impactful UNSTOPPABLE "No Excuses" coach, speaker, workshop facilitator, and retreat leader whose life apprenticeship of the victim to victor is nothing short of...
All Things Wellness and More
07-19-22 All Things Wellness and More Guests Coach Peggy Willms & Dr. Marcus Wettstein Peggy Willms has been a certified personal trainer, sports performance nutritionist, personal and executive health, wellness, and life coach for over thirty years. Peggy is an...
Frank Zaccari’s Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck
07-12-22 Frank Zaccari’s Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck Frank Zaccari served as a military medic in the U.S. Air Force before spending over 20 years in the hi-tech industry. His education includes UCLA Anderson School of Business and California...
Beyond Mars and Venus with John Gray~ Relationship Skills for Today’s Complex World
07-05-22 Beyond Mars and Venus with John Gray~ Relationship Skills for Today’s Complex World John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top...
Let Freedom Rain! Release Toxicity and Live Free
06-21-22 Let Freedom Rain! Release Toxicity and Live Free RETREAT: Bring a Friend Special: Whoever signs up at full price ($350- All inclusive) will get a code emailed to them that will allow a friend to sign up free! Special runs from June 21 to June 28 at Midnight....
Ways to Make 7 Figures Online
06-07-22 Ways to Make 7 Figures Online Bio: Tom Antion has never had a job. He's an Internet Multimillionaire "guy next door" and founder of the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. He's the subject of a Hollywood Documentary "The...
What’s in Your Financial Future?
05-31-22 "What's in Your Financial Future?" Guests Dr. Kirk Elliott, Tony Hubbard and Jessie T. Dr. Kirk Elliott Dr. Kirk Elliott is an economist and wealth manager. He holds two PhDs in Public Policy and Administration (Monetary Economics) and Theology. Since 1994 he...
Life Skills for The Journey
05-17-22 Life Skills for The Journey Gloria Sloan is the author of two books Abundant Faith and her newest book, Life Skills for the Journey, which has been endorsed by world-renowned motivational speaker, teacher, and author, Les Brown. See that video at ...
More Mayhem to Miracles with Sister Dr. Jenna, Kat Kanavos, and Rev. Temple Hayes
05-03-22 More Mayhem to Miracles with Sister Dr. Jenna, Kat Kanavos, and Rev. Temple Hayes Sister Dr. Jenna's Bio Sister Dr. Jenna is the author of the recently released book Meditation: Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices, which...
How To Navigate Life Without Losing Yourself
04-19-22 How To Navigate Life Without Losing Yourself Lily Sanders Author, Speaker, Coach Lily Sanders is the award-winning author of Truth To Triumph, Speaker, Intimate Partner Violence Expert, and Major Media Expert. She specializes in helping young adults identify...
Living Fearlessly 2.0
04-05-22 Living Fearlessly 2.0 Erin Ley is a World-Class Speaker, #1 Bestselling Author and Empowerment & Success Coach. She is Host of the streaming “Life On Track” summit and TV show, inspiring viewers worldwide about making the most of life’s opportunities. For...
Living Fearlessly
03-15-22 Living Fearlessly Eileen's Bio Eileen Bild is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTEL Universe, Executive Director/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a...
Help and Healing for Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
03-01-22 Help and Healing for Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Andrea McHenry Executive Director of Freedom and Restoration for Everyone Enslaved (FREE) Before joining FREE, Andrea was a Licensed Massage Therapist and worked in the medical massage...
Abundant Living 2.0
02-22-22 Abundant Living 2.0 Tony Hubbard Tony Hubbard is a serial entrepreneur for the last 21 years, 18 of those years are counted in the Network Marketing and Direct Sales space. He is laser focused on...
Abundant Living
02-16-22 Abundant Living Tasha Chen Tasha Chen is an expert in taking businesses from struggling and on-the-verge-of-giving-up to opening their can of dreams again, having fun, and making money! Her wildly impactful manifestation and mindset training and coaching have...
What’s Your God Given Purpose?
02-01-22 Your God Given Purpose? Bios: Denise Harvey is a published author passionately writing about God's grace. Her children's book Growing up Sassafras -Where is my Daddy? and her newest book, Emergence of Me - Discovering My Identity and Courage Within, are...
Coaching with Passion and Purpose
01-18-22 Coaching with Passion and Purpose Laurie Rowland Laurie is an Ordained Women’s Minister, Poet, Author, Speaker and Coach. She helps and inspires women struggling emotionally in difficult relationships and past trauma break free and start walking in their...
Coach Peggy Willms, Successful Entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC.
01-04-22 Coach Peggy Willms, Successful Entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC. Coach Peggy Willms has been a Trend Setter for more than years, with her unique approach, tools, and strategies shattering the “Norm” in the health, wellness, fitness, and...
Frank Zaccari, Best Selling Author
12-21-21 Frank Zaccari, Best Selling Author Bio: Frank Zaccari is a best-selling author who has written seven books based on life-altering events. Business Secrets for Walking on Water and Business and Personal Secrets for Avoiding Relationship Landmines are the first...
The ABC’s of Children’s Books
12-07-21 The ABC’s of Children’s Books Kenyetta Obie is a native of Atlanta, Ga. where she is raising her son. Her college major in child development led her to a career as a teacher both in mainstream and special needs development. Kenyetta's journey has fueled her...