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11-29-16 COMMUNICATION between the Species -The 3rd Law of LionHearted Leadership™ Dogs and Crocodiles, and a whole lot more.

The 3rd Law of LionHearted Leadership™ is the Law of Communication – Share your Roar. But if we are all part of nature, then our personal or human roars must find a way to connect with all of life. Linda describes this as heart-to-heart communication which goes well beyond language, species and any other artificial barrier that humanity has devised.

Listen to Linda Tucker expound on this Law. For the first time ever on international media, Linda tells of her own fascinating inter-species experience – it is the story of Linda, a crocodile and a dog called Max.

The 13 Laws have come into full focus for those who serve the White Lions because they are the basis of a month-long immersion in the teachings for the 15 fortunate attendees at this year’s White Lion Leadership Academy which starts TODAY, 22 November, at our camp deep in the heartlands. The second part of our show is a fascinating question and answer session with Mary Brown, a former White Lion Leadership Academy student who went on to become our Academy Co-ordinator. Mary shares her insights into what the Academy offers to participants on a deep emotional and spiritual level, and unpacks a little of her own extraordinary journey within this rare opportunity for immersion in The 13 Laws of LionHearted Leadership™.

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