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David Thompson

10-17-16    Seek Reality – David Thompson David Thompson is one of only three or four fully developed physical mediums in the world who sit in public seances. This interview, conducted with David in New Zealand, is a bit rough technically, but what he has to tell us...

Betty Anne Millar

10-10-16    Seek Reality~ Betty Anne Millar Betty Anne Millar lost her husband, Murray, three years ago. And that was when their real fun seems to have begun! Murray is a very advanced being who is now working with cutting-edge experimenters in electronic afterlife...

Interview with Laura Mayer

09-26-16    Seek Reality – Interview with Laura Mayer Laura Mayer is a spiritual transformational counselor and occupational therapist whose beautiful book, Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak into Bliss, tells a gripping story. While her parents...

Jurgen Ziewe

09-12-16   Seek Reality – Jurgen Ziewe Jurgen Ziewe, also known as the Multidimensional Man, is the greatest living out-of-body traveler. His beautiful paintings of the glories he has seen in the astral levels are breathtaking! And his insights into the realities we...
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