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OAR09-13-16 Canadian film director Andrew Tidby

Roars to you from the White Lions and all of us here in the Heartlands!

This week Linda Tucker chats to her very first official guest, Canadian film director Andrew Tidby – AND she reveals an exciting new turn in the #OneUnitedRoar Talent Challenge.

Andrew spent 3 weeks with Linda and the White Lions recently, and his background in directing a Canadian wildlife rehabilitation TV show that is broadcast to 120 countries made for some highly informed, perceptive and thought-provoking conversation. We are not sure who asked more questions during the recording of this week’s show, but we did find it fascinating to listen to.

We also find out from Linda the new timeline for #OneUnitedRoar and how the global youth Talent Challenge is unfolding. What does the International Day of Peace (21 September) have to do with this extraordinary Talent Challenge and how will we ever have peace on earth if we don’t make our peace with nature?

Linda Tucker steps into her own sacred role as explores the 1st of the 13 Laws of Lionhearted Leadership, and sets us up for a whole new paradigm in a changing world.

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