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We’ve been conditioned through generations to criticize, judge and make fun of those who do not fit into a mold. This kind of thinking came from our human race, a choice and habit derived from those who felt less of themselves. These choices continue. We certainly can bring the world to a kinder level yet for some it feels too huge a mountain to climb. It doesn’t need to be. Every person can make an impact just by tuning into thoughts, rethinking old belief patterns and consciously choosing to live from a place of love and kindness. It is our responsibility to heal what we have created, we can start by losing the fear and lack mentality.

Why would we want to be exactly alike? Let us choose to empower others, because when we do we empower ourselves. Let us celebrate diversity! Let us compliment a child for putting together a unique colorful outfit. Let us choose compassion for those who struggle with their weight. Arms full of ‘ink’ may not be your choice, but embrace those who do. Let us honor the adolescent who is sensitive… who may thrive on design instead of football. Break the mold to narrow harmful thinking!!! Let us celebrate new thought and ideas, creativity and compassion.

Our being is based in Love, our souls Eternal Love. Everything is energy including our thoughts. Each thought has a vibration that is felt universally. When we have positive, endearing thoughts we spread love and compassion. Enough with war mentality, separation and limitation! What we feed expands. Let’s raise and expand LOVE.

We have been given the gift of Life. We are so powerful yet we don’t believe it. We have the opportunity to tap into the glorious power within us all. Let’s choose now to love and embrace ourselves and empower those brave enough to step out of the norm. Kids are listening; watching and emulating…let us reevaluate our behavior and start choosing what serves everyone.

“I Am the Presence Walking in the Radiance of Love”

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