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04-01-19 Better Lives for Bunnies!

Once again, Dr. Judy’s sister, Sally Morgan, PT, CST, renowned specialist in holistic physical therapy for pets, will guest host the Naturally Healthy Pets radio show this week.  Sally is a pioneer in Craniosacral therapy for animals, an advanced Tellington TTouch practitioner, Reiki master, Vibrational healer, manual therapy expert and bestselling author of Dances of the Heart–Connecting With Animals and the accompanying Animal Connection cards. She travels to teach and lives in Massachusetts with her corgi Trystan. Visit her at, on Facebook at Sally Morgan PT CST, and on YouTube at Conversations With A Corgi.

Anne MartinThis week, Sally is pleased to welcome Anne Martin, the Executive Director at House Rabbit Society who joins us from Richmond, California where she lives with her partner, three house rabbits, a kitty cat and two sanctuary foster bunnies with special needs.  Anne’s credentials include a BA from Bryn Mawr College, and an MCP and PhD from UC Berkeley in City and Regional Planning. This very special lady revitalized the organization’s fundraising, volunteer, and adoption programs, with an emphasis on saving sick, injured, and rabbits with special needs who would otherwise be euthanized in shelters.  She also opened House Rabbit Society’s first spay/neuter clinic, providing these services at low cost to the general public. Together with Dr. Carolynn Harvey, the Medical Director at House Rabbit Society headquarters, Anne is conducting original research on neurological disease in rabbits, and also presented at the ExoticsCon veterinary conference in 2018.  Through House Rabbit Society’s rescue and adoption program, Anne has saved the lives of thousands of rabbits.  She is currently working to build a surgery suite at House Rabbit Society headquarters, and the organization will be hiring a part-time vet this year.  So tune in to hear Sally and Anne discuss how all this helps you Buy a Bunny a Little Time – and more!

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