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The Power of Money

Our society with its outdated belief systems has created such fear around money that collectively our thoughts resonate in lack whether thousands of dollars reside in the bank or not. With all the focus on materialism we’ve practically destroyed the beautiful exchange of money. But it can and is changing; we are becoming kinder to each other and big companies are listening. Our buying power is power! What’s in it for me thinking is being replaced with what is best for humanity, our animal and nature kingdom.

money treeWe all pick up thoughts and sayings daily. How many times have we said, “We don’t have enough money,” wish we had this/that, ‘If we had the money.” And when we do buy, we feel guilty. Addressing our personal worth is a key component in moving through these thoughts. If you’re a single Mom or Dad…replace thoughts of needing two paychecks to keep a home with “I am powerful and my potentiality is endless.”- Believe from the depth of your soul that you can provide for your home and it will be given. Embrace asking for help. When paying bills, feel the pure joy within instead of being disgruntled. Bless the dollars or coins in your wallet. When eating real food, honor how it got to your table and what it does for your body. Feel the joy when paying for services. When you need an electrician –pay with a knowing you’re providing for his or her family. If charged in excess, keep the joy of providing but search for a new electrician. Give to the people who stand on the street corners with homeless signs…this one gesture is so powerful for all parties involved. When we give freely without knowing the outcome, this is how we receive abundance twofold. When meditating, praying…if it is food you need, ask that all others in need receive food. If shelter, ask that all others are provided for. This again is how we receive abundance. Embrace gratitude at the soul level. Every life lesson brings a gift for enhanced living, give thanks for the easy and the difficult. Be grateful for everything just as it is now, today. If your home needs repairs, be grateful you have a home, and trust with a knowing that the repairs are being done. This kind of thinking gets it done.

Embrace the uncertainty of life; see the ‘now’ right in front of you. Remind yourself to Breathe- See- Feel- fill your thoughts with GRATITUDE and Self Love .. Hold this space for all the glory to present itself…and it will be done.

Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, a Holistic Boston based Internet Radio Station as well as Empowered Connections both created out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Deborah mentors souls to go within to identify their own individual Light, to find unconditional love for self and others. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah is founder of Kids 4 Love Project, and Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show~ celebrating children making a difference. Hosting her syndicated radio show Love By Intuition since 2004, Deborah feels the time is now for humanity to focus on healing our planet through self-love, compassion and serving others.

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