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Sheryl-Barbara-Marx-Hubbard03-07-16  Barbara Marx Hubbard – The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation

In The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, visionary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard elaborates an evolutionary perspective on Christ consciousness, seeing in Christ an archetype for humanity’s current journey from egocentric, to ego freedom. It inspires each individual to awaken to his or her divine nature and fulfill the promise of performing even greater miracles than those once performed by Jesus. It carries a message for Unity amongst religions, as well as an invitation for us not to abandon the Church, but to evolve it.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution” by Deepak Chopra. As the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book, The Mother of Invention, many would agree Barbara is the world’s foremost global ambassador for conscious change. A prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution. She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world. In conjunction with the Shift Network, Barbara co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012″ multi-media event that was seen as a historic turning point in exposing the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential in humanity.

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