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Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister

Into The Mystic Part 3

11-07-18  Into The Mystic Part 3 We take our next step “Into the Mystic” - an online retreat that was offered in September 2018. This week David Hoffmeister reminds us that Jesus is calling us out of this world, into our mind, with the shared purpose of forgiveness....

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Into The Mystic Part 2

10-24-18 Into The Mystic part 2 We dive in and come back to the “Into the Mystic” Online retreat for the end of the first session this week. We are joined by special guests Michael Caruana and Kirsten Buxton who were host at the retreat held in September 2018. This...

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Into The Mystic Part One

10-10-18 Into The Mystic On this week's show we are joined by special guests Michael Caruana and Kirsten Buxton who hosted Awakening from the Dream online retreat held in September 2018. In this opening session, David introduces the topic of mysticism and gives an...

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Quantum Immersion

09-26-18 Quantum Immersion This talk is taken from the Quantum Immersion Retreat in Chapala Mexico. Whereby a group gathered to go deeper into such questions on hypotheticals, quantum experiences, special relationships, the holy instant, taking responsibility and...

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Deepening in Trust on the Spiritual Journey Part 2

09-12-18 Deepening in Trust on the Spiritual Journey Part 2 This show completes the stages of Trust on the spiritual journey. The purpose of this talk is to give a roadmap as to what is to come as we awaken. There will be times of darkness and undoing of the ego,...

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Deepening in Trust on the Spiritual Journey

08-29-18 Deepening in Trust on the Spiritual Journey Am I trusting in the ego belief system or the Spirit’s teaching? We have to withdraw the belief in time and space, scarcity, defensive and redirect and reinvest it in the bridge back to heaven. Our purpose now is to...

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Practical Application of Nonduality

08-15-18 Title - Practical Application of Nonduality In this interview with David, Kenneth Clifford ask some very meaningful questions: they cover the highly intimate revelations of 'direct knowing' with Spirit and how to activate this relationship; forgiveness, the...

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Practical Application of Being Guided by Spirit

08-01-18 Practical Application of Being Guided by Spirit Listen to David Hoffmeister, Frances Xu, and Jason Warwick as they share parables and wisdom on the practicality of mind training and guidance. This session formed part of the week-long "Adventure Into the Heart...

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An Afternoon With David Hoffmeister

07-18-18 An Afternoon With David Hoffmeister In this question and answer session you can hear David address the following issues:  fear of practicing because of a belief in ‘ego back-lash’; doubting the truth of God’s love in a seeming harsh world; pain as an...

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Clueless, Carefree and Cared For

07-03-18 Clueless, Carefree and Cared For Divine Presence is completely unaffected by perception. When we open ourselves to healing, to becoming aligned with the Holy Spirit, all we are praying for in our heart of hearts is to have our perception straightened out. To...

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From Fear to Miracles Part 2

06-20-18 From Fear to Miracles Part 2 We continue our exploration of how to live the teachings of Chapter 2, Section 6 of A Course in Miracles: Fear & Conflict. When we experience fear we are in a state of conflict. Only our mind can produce fear so this is the...

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From Fear to Miracles!

06-04-18 From Fear to Miracles! In this episode we hear David talking about how to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles - especially Chapter 2, Section 6 on Fear & Conflict. He addresses questions from retreatants who are struck with sudden fear as if from...

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Using Relationships for Awakening (Part 2)

05-23-18  Using Relationships for Awakening (Part 2) Enjoy the second part of this profound session with David Hoffmeister - which was part of the "Awakening from the Dream" Online Retreat on the theme of "Using Relationships for Awakening”.  If you missed Part 1, go...

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Using Relationships for Awakening

05-09-18 Using Relationships for Awakening Enjoy this profound session - which is part of the "Awakening from the Dream" Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister, on the theme of "Using Relationships for Awakening” which took place between April 6-8 2018. Listen as David...

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The Authentic Spiritual Journey Inward

12-27-17  The Authentic Spiritual Journey Inward The ego has set up a world of time and space that seems to have a past, a present, and a future. This is a way of keeping us trapped in guilt and fear because, without linear time, there would be no guilt. So how do we...

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Who Am I? An Afternoon Chautauqua with David

12-13-17  Who Am I? An Afternoon Chautauqua with David We seem to be people living a life of birth and finally, death. What does our life mean? Who are we? Where do we come from? What is this thing I call my body? If I die what will happen to me? These are many of the...

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A Journey of Divine Innocence

11-27-17   A Journey of Divine Innocence We often feel that there is a deeper meaning to life that our heart is calling for. We know that somewhere inside of us is a place of beauty and peace. The spiritual journey will take a lot of discipline, devotion, dedication,...

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Revealing Unconscious Thoughts (Part 2 of 2)

11-15-17  Revealing Unconscious Thoughts (Part 2 of 2) Join David for part two of this two-part series during his travels to Australia for the first time since 2011. He shares about how the beliefs in abuse and mistreatment are retranslated and used for healing with...

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Revealing Unconscious Thoughts (Part 1 of 2)

11-01-17  Revealing Unconscious Thoughts (Part 1 of 2) This lively talk is part one of a two-part show where we join David on his travels to Australia for the first time since 2011 for a reunion gathering. He shares incredible parables of Divine Providence and and how...

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Devotion to Spirit

10-18-17 Title: Devotion to Spirit Description: Peace is a state of mind that is simply the nature of what is. It is what is. It is a turning of your mind from fear to love and coming fully into love. If you can see the nothingness of the splinter of false belief in...

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