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Artist Carl Stedmond Bio: Many of you no doubt have heard the expression, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

For me it was teachers. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Echart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Robin Sharma, Neale Donald Walsh. You see, I had been through heartbreak for a number of years. Broken marriage, Father’s death, loss of home, consistent failed relationships. I had given up. Out one night propping up the bar, Lennon and McCartney spoke to me through the speakers, when they sang “all the lonely people where do they all come from”, I looked around the single’s dance, and the evidence was everywhere.

I immersed myself in the wisdom of my teachers. Then it hit me! We create our own reality, everything we think, say, feel, and do, creates. I took ownership of everything that I had created in the past and decided to consciously create my dream within a dream future. I say dream within a dream because when you start manifesting things in your life, it feels sometimes like a dream, like magic. Coincidences happen more and more. I remember Deepak saying when you are doing what you are meant to be doing, miracles seem to happen everyday.

I have always believed that our creator is love and light, and we are all the same. I remember saying as a child, that maybe people would only understand this, if we where visited from another planet. So here I am born into the capital city of football (sorry United fans) Liverpool, our local band was changing the world, (the Beatles, good energy, check out doctor Emoto’s work) and I’m stuck in a wheelchair for three years. Yes I was eight when I got Perthis diss-ease, sad thing was that I loved football. So that was a hard time in my life, although now I realize that they are really a blessing. (they help you evolve) I emigrated to Canada after marrying my (now ex) wife Gail. Yes it was really hard to leave all my family and friends, but I had the INTENTION, of them following me. In 1993 they all did (except me little sister Lynn) but anyone who knows me and my INTENTIONS know it won’t be long now. So I have been in Canada since 1988 and love it. Although I went through a very big transformation, it has brought me to this magical point in my life.

ArtistCarlStedmondCD: “THE DIARY OF AN UNEDUCATED MAN” is the title of the c.d. and the upcoming book, which is about a young man ( me L.O.L.) who had very little education, self employed all his life, never had a family doctor (was hardly ever at diss-ease) always knew that love was the greatest power, it is written in laymans terms.(cos it’s the only way I know) So yes, this c.d. is living proof that the universe conspires in your favour when you BELIEVE that it does. I have to give many thanks to my now good friend Dan Clancey (from Lighthouse) for his incredible talent, and for many of the people that coincidentally appeared, just when I needed them! I hope to inspire everyone who reads these words, no matter what situation you are in. Keep your thoughts positive, know that things will turn out in the end.

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