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DrLove_Dr.Lance-Secretan08-31-16 Title: A Love Story with Leadership Expert Lance Secretan

When Lance Secretan’s soul mate, Tricia, passed away, he was brokenhearted. During the darkest days of his grief, he wondered how he could draw a message of hope and joy for others from his own sadness. Everyone admired, and was inspired by, Lance and Tricia’s happiness together and frequently asked them to share their secrets. Lance felt the world needed to hear from behind the scenes about their remarkable union.

Over the 30 glorious years of their partnership, Lance had written many poems for Tricia. Lance is best known for his expertise in leadership and as an advisor to leaders, not as a poet, so he was hesitant about sharing this private part of his life. Lance describes the arc of his and Tricia’s lifelong romance by wrapping the story of their journey together around 25 never-before-published poems. The result: A Love Story: An Intensely Personal Memoir, was released December 2015.

It is a beautifully designed book, crafted in the old-fashioned way, and the reviews—loaded with glowing praise—have been extraordinary.

If you yearn for true love, have found it, or are rediscovering it, tune-in for an inspiring show.

Bio: Dr. Lance Secretan is one of the most insightful and provocative leadership teachers of our time. He is the former CEO of a Fortune 100 company, university professor, award-winning columnist, poet and author of 15 books about inspiration and leadership and a recent memoir (A Love Story). He coaches and advises leaders globally (he is ranked 26th most influential executive coach globally), and guides leadership teams who wish to transform their culture into the most inspirational in their industries.

Individuals, entire organizations, cities and states have experienced remarkable transformations through his unique mentoring, coaching, wisdom and approach. He has helped 6 companies to be named to Fortune’s Best Companies to Work For in America list, and 8 others are also his clients, and 30 Secretan Center clients are on Fortune’s Most Admired Companies list. He is ranked 13th in the world by Leadership Gurus,  and Speakers in America ranks him among the Top Five Leadership speakers. His firm, The Secretan Center, Inc., is ranked #1 in the world as an international Leadership Consulting firm by Leadership Excellence.

Dr. Secretan is the recipient of many awards, including the International Caring Award, whose previous winners include, Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama, President Jimmy Carter and Dr. Desmond Tutu. He is an expert skier, kayaker and mountain biker, and he divides his time between homes in Ontario and Colorado.
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