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Let me introduce you to an experience of soul celebration! 11:11 Magazine is a free digital publication ‘Devoted to the Journey of the Soul’. Our Simran founded this monthly award-winning magazine in 2008, and it is filled with her heart and soul inspiration, service and celebration, in how she shares and supports presence and acknowledgment of individuals expressing their creative light in the world. 11:11 Magazine also assists seekers in discovering the resources, people, protocols, tools and processes for broadening the mind, expanding perspective and opening the heart. Access this issue, along with all archives at:

I’d like to introduce you to a beautiful expression of FREE conscious media…  the March/April 2020 — BEAUTY EMERGES Edition! I invite you to read this rich publication that celebrates many unique and wonderful voices each month, and share it with others. Our world requires conscious empowering media.

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network’s Evolutionary Voices for the Quantum Age Mary O’Malley, Host of What’s In Your Way IS the Way  is Featured in this issue. Mary is an author, counselor, speaker and awakening mentor whose work awakens others to the joy of being fully alive.  Her inspired and transformative approach to working with the challenges of Life offers a way to replace fear, hopelessness and struggle with ease, well-being and joy. Learn more about Mary here:


For full screen access to 11:11 Magazine, click here >>> 

11:11 is symbolic of the four levels of being: mental – emotional – physical – spiritual. It represents the areas we are here to grow and balance in order to bridge our human self and highest expression in Truth – Growth – Energy – Wisdom – Unification. 11:11 is a prompt that millions of people around the world see; you may have glanced at your clock and felt a stirring seeing the time prompt. It simply means that the Universe has your back, and it is time to dive into your dreams, express your hearts desire and live with joy, creativity, freedom and ease. You are seeing 11:11… Make a wish, dear one!



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