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Susann Taylor Shier07-10-24 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Susann Taylor Shier author of “Soul Reunion The Return Home From Separation” which is the newest book in Ms Shier’s trilogy of books which include Soul Mastery and Soul Radience and details can be found on . Susann is an intuitive counselor trained as a psychotherapist and has been featured on national television and radio shows. Her focus is on helping others draw a clearer vision of the connection between the heart and soul energy in order to realize the innate wisdom we may receive by this connection to Universal Energy. The advantages provided by this soul reunion or reconnection to the intelligence and energetic life force of the universe include a greater understanding of our personal power to create and manifest prosperity, health, improved relationships with others and to also provide a remembrance of our soul unity to that higher force of energy. Wellness and all aspects of our physical, emotional and spiritual concerns, are then brought into alignment with our soul and physical needs which then can allow a positive energy flow to be received. The benefit is then the ability to have a more peaceful and productive life free of pain suffering and chaos.

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