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Dreamvisions  7 Radio Network’s PEACE Campaign 2024 Essay #6


“What Does Peace Look Like to YOU?” by Barbara Berger in Denmark


Living Peace, Being Peace 

Everyone wants Peace.

Peace already exists.

Peace is the Nature of Reality—and cannot be created.

Then why don’t we experience it?

Here now in this time of immense strife and turmoil worldwide, it is a good time to consider this question. There are different ways of looking at and understanding the experience we call Peace. Let us explore some of them.

Love and Peace

Love is an energy field. Just think about it and you know this is true. Love is an aura, a vibrational frequency, a very special quality or feeling. In short, love is an energy field that is kind, gentle and supportive. Almost everyone naturally and automatically likes to hang out in this energy field because it is comforting, non-threatening, unconditionally supportive, and makes you feel totally at ease.

The moment there is criticism, you snap out of the field.

The moment there are conditions, you snap out of the field.

The moment there is blame, anger or fear, you snap out of the field.

You can only be in the energy field of Love when there is no criticism, no blame, no anger, no judgment, no conditions, no resentment. When any of these negative thoughts or emotions arise, instantly the energy field of Love disappears. If you say to me that you can love even when your critical mind is operating, I say to you this is not True Love. This is some type of coercion masquerading as love… True Love, Divine Love, the Love of God, is Absolute and without conditions of any kind. It just is—and it’s our natural state.

Peace naturally arises in the energy field called Love.

This is because in Love there is no antagonism, no criticism, no blame and therefore no misunderstanding or conflict. (How can there be misunderstanding or conflict if there is no criticism or blame?) Thus, Love is the peaceful energy field that transforms and heals everything and everyone. Love is the state of consciousness or vibrational frequency that is always kind, comforting, and supportive. It is the energy field that everyone, without exception, feels and responds to.

This energy field is a prerequisite for Peace. Peace can only exist in this energy field. In fact, this energy field is Peace. Thus, we see that Peace and Love are the same. Identical. Synonyms.

So we may ask, if Love is an energy field that is peaceful, what triggers it? How do you enter this energy field? And how can you stay there? This is where conscious mind management comes into the picture because we can only experience what we focus our attention on. Thus, to experience Peace and Love, we must focus on Peace and Love and constantly think kind, loving, and peaceful thoughts. There is no other way. This is the Law – the Law of Cause and Effect.

The Nature of Reality and Peace

Another way of looking at the experience we call Peace is to explore the Nature of Reality. When we do this, we discover that Peace is in fact the Nature of Reality and already exists. (To see how we arrive at this conclusion, see my books The Awakening Human Being – A Guide to the Power of Mind and Mental Technology / Software for Your Hardware for a detailed exploration of the Nature of Reality.)

Once we discover that Peace is the Nature of Reality, we realize Peace already exists and must therefore be our natural state. If this is the case, it can only mean two things. Firstly, we do not have to create Peace because it is already here. And secondly, if we are experiencing conflict in our lives and in the world around us, this must be a reflection of our innermost thinking since the Nature of Reality is already Peace—and not conflict.

We arrive at this conclusion—that conflict must be a reflection of our thinking—because we know that our experiences are the result of the focus of our attention and of our basic thoughts patterns or sponsoring thoughts about Life. Thus, we must conclude that if we are not experiencing Peace in our lives, we cannot be thinking thoughts that promote peace. In other words, we cannot be thinking kind, loving, compassionate thoughts. We are not thinking thoughts that are peaceful and harmonious. Can it really be that simple? This is what the Great Ones have said all along: As within, so without.

Once we understand that we cannot and will not experience Peace in the outer until we are peaceful in the inner, we must ask ourselves…how can we bring this about? Once again, we come back to the importance of waking up to the nature of mind and mind management. To experience Peace, we must consciously discipline our minds and choose the focus that creates Peace.

Blessings to you! For more about Barbara see her Web site:

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