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Dreamvisions  7 Radio Network’s PEACE Campaign 2024 Essay #5


“What Does Peace Look Like to YOU?” by Lora Cheadle


What Peace Means to Me: Creating Peace Within

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, peace is an elusive state of being sought by many but found by few. While conversations around equality, tolerance, and world peace are important, creating world harmony does not lead to peace. True peace isn’t the absence of conflict. True peace transcends external circumstances and is rooted in internal harmony. True peace is about being okay on the inside, regardless of the storms outside.

Just like a deep lake can stay serene and undisturbed by turbulent winds raging high above, so too can we maintain a calm and steady state of mind, irrespective of the chaos surrounding us. Each time we cultivate peace within, we strengthen our ability to remain untouched by the turmoil of external events and our ability to bring peace to the world, by leading by example.

Achieving inner peace requires introspection, mindfulness, and embracing our emotions without letting them dictate our reactions. Being peaceful requires resilience, letting go of what we cannot control, and finding solace in the present moment. It empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity.

Peace is a choice—a commitment to prioritizing tranquility over turmoil and acceptance over resistance. Peace is a journey of self-discovery and self-compassion, where we learn to be gentle with ourselves and others so we can always find the light, even in the darkest of times.

Lora Cheadle, JD, CHt – Life Choreographer
303-994-4945    |    |

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