Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Celebrates Featured Co-Author Rev. Patricia Cagganello and International Multi-Award Winning Co-Author Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos
Dr. Bernie Siegel, NY Times #1 Bestselling author, wrote the FOREWORD of Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change and notes, “Our bodies are the tools we are given to make a difference. We are spirit, soul, and consciousness. One thing I would ask you to lose forever is the fear of loss. Change does not have to be interpreted as loss. We all experience change; it is the nature of life…. True faith can overcome every change and loss.”
Real Stories. Real People. Real Pain. Real Healing.
Change is one of the top phobias experienced by humans. It creates chaos because we are creatures of habit. We are genetically designed to embrace what is known and avoid what is different until it becomes a matter of life-and-death. Yet, change may be chaos’s gift in disguise. If you are in chaos, discover and embrace your gift. These stories can help. You are not alone. Change is good.
When Patricia Cagganello’s life of fifty years left her in a dark place of chaos and feeling alone, she met people who had also experienced a significant life-change. This discovery sent her seeking different answers to the same questions voiced by them, “Why?” and “Now what?” Along her path to clarity, she discovered inspiration and hope, and now shares it here, with the world, and with you.
The moon was full the night Kathleen’s mother died. How does someone survive the death of their mother, best friend, and rock-in-life? The answer is one sought after by many people in a state of chaos after the passing of any loved one. Kathleen’s dreams taught her, “Love never dies.” Dealing with grief is a rite-of-passage that eventually everyone must deal with because death is the natural order of life.
Who are you and why are you here? I demanded, sobbing as I gazed at myself in the mirror. It had been a long time since I’d looked myself in the eye. With tears streaming down my face from swollen eyes, it was difficult to recognize myself. It wasn’t just the tears that had me wondering who the stranger in the mirror was. It was the lack of life, the long-lost joy, and the missing smile that made me ask those tough questions. That was my “come to Jesus” moment. You know the one I mean. If not for my son, I might not have lived to tell the story of breaking free from a life of unimportance. My life was controlled by manipulation, codependence, and deceit. Never let anyone steal your joy! By Teresa Velardi
Life is a Journey, Love is All There Is- by Deborah Beauvais
If I knew what I know today, I would wrap myself in love and comfort while journeying through grief and devastation. I would know, no one is ever alone as we are guided each and every day. I would know Life on Earth is designed with ebbs and flows with lessons through our many experiences. This is the Gift of Life! This is soul growth at the deepest level. Yes, we can find inner power through tragedy and adversity..yet we don’t have to continue the struggle in our minds by creating thoughts rooted in a victim mindset. We can choose to set ourselves free. Our loved ones want freedom and joy for us. When we are ready to embrace our experiences, our gratitude grows exponentially, and it is then we find Peace within.
Like all the contributing authors, Kathleen and Patricia dare to bare their soul to you, and through that action, causes a Butterfly Effect reaction of healing, which connects us to Universal Oneness. And, we all become a Global Voice of hope and healing.
Our world is experiencing catastrophic shifts on physical and emotional levels. Change is frightening. Yet, change is the natural process of life. Without change, there is no future. Because we are connected through Universal Oneness we all experience chaos. Depression, pain, and confusion have become a part of life for many people stuck in chaos. This timely book is a collaborative work of love and clarity on many levels. Our goal is to offer this written worldly wisdom in story-form as a blue-print for people rebuilding their lives, and as a GPS for those still moving toward clarity. The authors lead by example. Offering their Psychological and Spiritual expertise Kanavos and Cagganello share their differing points of view on the stories and how change created clarity. When commenting on the four different sections in the book, co-author Cagganello uses her spiritual knowledge as a Reverend, while Kanavos draws on her expertise in Psychology. The result is a marriage of minds that birthed Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.
Rev. Patricia Cagganello is CEO and Founder of Sacred Stories Media, a conscious online media network. Sacred Stories Media includes Sacred Stories Publishing, an award-winning traditional book publishing and marketing company; Garnet Press, a self-publishing book division; and Sacred U, an online course division. As an ordained interfaith, inter-spiritual minister Patricia believes every story is a sacred story. She is ordained from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York and has earned her Masters of Arts in Education and her Bachelors of Science in Business. She is also a columnist for BIZCATALYST 360 Magazine. Learn more at https://sacredstories.com
Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is an International multi-award-winning author/ Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, Doctors, NBC, and CBS. Kat has a degree in Psychopathology and Special Education, taught Psychology at USF, Ft. Myers Branch, and taught the severely emotionally handicapped. Kat is also a columnist for BIZCATALYST 360 Magazine and is known as The Queen of Dreams, a PR Guru, video podcaster/radio show host Dreaming Healing on Dreamvisions7 Radio Network. Kat is a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness missed by the medical community. Learn more at http://kathleenokeefekanavos.com/
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