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03-26-18  The Angelic Origins of the Soul: Tricia McCannon

Your Soul is a divine light originating within the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks about the seven Lokas, or dimensions, the Soul travels through after death, while the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Soul becoming one with the ever-renewing phoenix. Yet what is the phoenix but a symbol of our own Angelic Twin who resides in the highest realms, the essence of our Soul? In this book, Tricia McCannon explains how to discover the angelic realms where the highest parts of yourself reside and become the catalyst for your own path of ascension.

Tricia McCannon is a renowned American clairvoyant, historian, author, and teacher who has traveled the world in search of answers to the greatest Mysteries of the Ages. As a dedicated researcher, and mystical symbologist in many ancient paths of wisdom, she is known as “the Mysteries Expert.” She has appeared on over 150 radio and TV shows worldwide, including Unsolved Mysteries, Strange Universe, and a number of international documentaries.

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