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10-23-17 The RX Solution

It is with great pleasure that Dr. Morgan welcomes a colleague, author and the Chief Medical Officer of Rx Vitamins®, Dr. Robert Silver DVM, MS from Boulder, Colorado.  Dr. Silver, a 1982 graduate of Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, became frustrated with the limitations of conventional medicine to address the problems of his patients with chronic diseases like epilepsy, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.  In an effort to resolve these concerns, he studied herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and the use of nutraceuticals as clinical tools.  Dr. Silver then founded one of the first integrative veterinary practices in the US in Boulder in 1993 and in 1995, was recruited by Rx Vitamins® to develop their line of veterinary specific nutraceuticals. A practicing veterinarian in Colorado, Dr. Silver also developed his expertise with the clinical use of cannabinoid therapies, and as a result, formulated several hemp-based cannabinoid products for veterinary use.  He also wrote the book “Medical Marijuana and Your Pet”. Dr. Silver lectures extensively both domestically and internationally to veterinary audiences on the topic of veterinary nutraceuticals’ use as companions to conventional therapeutics.  This show is a must for all who want the best in natural care for their pets so be sure to join Drs. Morgan and Silver to learn more.

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