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02-27-17   Susan Whiting on Struggles and Success

Susan Whiting was a first generation college graduate. Headed for medical school, she had to cut it short with the demands of children and family. She earned a degree in medical technology. After 20 years of working in that western medicine model, she became disillusioned with the disparity between treatments and results. Going back to school, she obtained a master’s degree in the behavioral health sciences. Seeing a vision inside herself of a Wholeness that didn’t exist in the western science model…armed with greater insights into human behavior and healing…she found her Passion working with University students for a Vision of Wholeness and Wellness that was not available through the standard courses being taught at that time.

And as so many of us have been, Susan found herself struggling with health issues. Seeking out the Garden, she found personal Insights into Healing and Wholeness that now came from a place of Experience through the plant kingdom of life. She’s “on the hot seat” this week Sharing some of her life’s Story of struggles and success. Being a first year baby boomer, born in 1946, you won’t want to miss her Story of climbing the Sidney Harbor Bridge overlooking the Opera House in Australia this past January of 2017. Susan’s 70 and getting younger and stronger every year.

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