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02-12-15  “Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #152 was recorded on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and presents improvisations and new songs from Mariam Massaro and the Gaea Star Band featuring Mariam Massaro on vocals, native flute, tenor ukelele and drum, Craig Harris on percussion and Bob Sherwood on piano and percussion.  We begin with the drum-heavy river adventure “Ray K Ray Ro Ro” and ease into an upbeat tribute to MLK called “A Man Of Peace” featuring a moving lyric from Mariam.  “Prayer For Peace Everywhere” is a new song from Mariam that continues the theme of universal peace with a driving, bluesy improvisation featuring ukelele, piano and congas and Mariam’s delicate, modal melody.  We move into a western melodic framework for the next couple of pieces beginning with Mariam’s devotional “You Made My Day”.  Bob improvises a lovely, delicate major motif that recalls snow falling on a quiet winter day.  We continue in this major, European style with Mariam’s new “Simone, Simone”, a pretty ode to a French poodle as well as mischievous little dogs everywhere which culminates with Bob attempting “La Marseillaise” and almost succeeding.  “Stand United” is a driving, progressively Afro-Cuban jam that incorporates themes from the last couple of pieces and some compelling time signature games.  Mariam weaves beautiful native flute into the extended coda as we drift into a stately, minimalist meditation that rises in intensity before drifting away on a cloud of native flute.  We finish with Mariam’s new “Warm”.

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