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SimranNEW-Gordon Davidson11-03-15   Transfiguration for Our World: Gordon Asher Davidson

Why is our world in such upheaval today? What or who is causing it, and where are we headed? The Transfiguration of Our World gives a comprehensive overview of the world situation, why we are having such problems, and the solutions now being put in place. According to author Gordon Asher Davidson, the world is being guided by an interdimensional Light Alliance working closely with many members of humanity to release the hold of darkness on our planet. In order to loosen the impasse currently gripping the world, it is essential for us to recognize and understand the purpose of higher beings and civilizations from beyond our planet. Their intention is to help us co-create a sustainable and spiritually fulfilling civilization based on love and aligned with a higher spiritual plan for human evolution.

Gordon Asher Davidson has a long career of active leadership in social change institutions and movements, while simultaneously pursuing a deep, inner meditative life culminating in his book, The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth. His experience includes co-authoring with his wife, Corinne McLaughlin, The Practical Visionary and Spiritual Politics (forward by the Dalai Lama); co-founding Sirius, a spiritual/environmental community; serving as founding director of the Social Investment Forum; founding and co-directing a Washington D.C. institute, the Center for Visionary Leadership; and offering many clients worldwide deep spiritual guidance and transformational consulting for over 20 years.

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