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Tim Maceyko11-14-23 When The Cardinal Calls with Tim Maceyko

At sixteen years of age, Tim Maceyko was left paralyzed from the neck down due to an automobile accident. With time, movement began to slowly return. Through intense occupational and physical therapy, Tim learned to feed and bathe himself. Eventually, he was able to put his wheelchair away, and walk again, but the accident changed the entire trajectory of his life. He would never play high school sports again and his college dreams vanished. However, he did go on to become a successful youth baseball and basketball coach.

Fast forward several years, Tim is married with three children and is living a quiet rural life. He had moved his family back to his hometown of Cardington, Ohio, a small one-stoplight town located north of Columbus. It was the place that had supported him all those years ago, and he looked forward to the slow-paced lifestyle. But then on March 20th, 2013, his world came crashing down for the second time when his five-year-old son, Seth, died in an accident.

It was this second traumatic event that caused Tim to become an author. He had always enjoyed writing, but now it was therapeutic. He needed to let his feelings out, and the words flowed easily from his mind to paper. He knew there was no turning back, and so, he began to learn more about the craft. After years of honing his writing skills, he finally believes he is worthy of the title of being an author.

With a unique insight into overcoming adversity, Tim has become a strong voice in this area, specializing in loss and grief. He had this to say about child loss, “I’ve lost my grandparents, my father, an aunt I loved like a mom, a young cousin, and two friends to suicide. Each of those was profound and hard in its own way. However, no loss was as challenging to overcome as losing my child. Unfortunately, our society doesn’t necessarily address grief the way that it should, and so now I want to try to be a voice that helps change that, or at least gets people talking about it in ways they may have not in the past.”

When the Cardinal Calls, author Tim MaceykoIn his book, When the Cardinal Calls, Tim discusses many of the darkest moments he faced, but he also talks about the signs that gave him hope and how a little red bird helped him regain his faith. He is quoted as saying, “There can only be so many coincidences before you have to stop and admit that maybe you don’t have all the answers about what happens in this life or the next. For me, I find comfort when the signs come. I wasn’t one who believed in signs or any of that stuff. But I do now.”

Tim founded his brand, Faith Beyond, in an effort to help others learn how to not only survive the adversity life brings, but also how to thrive after facing those difficult moments. He teaches the benefits of Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and shares his version of the Fulfillment Formula. Tim argues that a person who has faced extreme adversity and/or a traumatic event can find more success in life than those who haven’t.

To contact him: Email Tim is available for speaking engagements, book signings, and coaching sessions. You can also find him on Twitter and Instagram @TimMaceyko, on Facebook at Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko. And you can find his podcast Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko on all major podcasting sites.

No one truly knows what happens after we die. We may have spiritual faith, but we do not truly know. Of course, we hope we know. So what happens when you lose your faith? What do you do when the hope you once held onto is gone? That was the situation that one father found himself in after facing every parent’s worst nightmare when his five-year-old son died in a tragic bunk bed accident. When the Cardinal Calls journals father Tim Maceyko’s journey, beginning the morning of the accident. The raw pain of child loss, the emotions, and the struggle to find his way out of the dark are all on full display as Tim chronicles those early days. Yet through the roughest time of his life, he begins to realize that he cannot explain the world around him in the same way that he once did. Then one early morning Tim’s interaction with a little red bird changed everything. The hard-to-explain experience with a cardinal left him asking if signs were real. Do we actually get messages from our loved ones after they leave us? Is God at work or is it all just wishful thinking? Once a non-believer, there were too many ‘coincidences’ for Tim to keep denying that something more powerful than he understood was at work. Follow along and be amazed as one father tries to find a way to heal himself and his family while the signs become more and more frequent. The story is a roller coaster of emotions; if you have ever lost someone that you loved When the Cardinal Calls is a must-read.

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