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When the Cardinal Calls, author Tim MaceykoNo one truly knows what happens after we die. We may have spiritual faith, but we do not truly know. Of course, we hope we know. So what happens when you lose your faith? What do you do when the hope you once held onto is gone? That was the situation that one father found himself in after facing every parent’s worst nightmare when his five-year-old son died in a tragic bunk bed accident.

When the Cardinal Calls journals father Tim Maceyko’s journey, beginning the morning of the accident. The raw pain of child loss, the emotions, and the struggle to find his way out of the dark are all on full display as Tim chronicles those early days. Yet through the roughest time of his life, he begins to realize that he cannot explain the world around him in the same way that he once did. Then one early morning Tim’s interaction with a little red bird changed everything. The hard-to-explain experience with a cardinal left him asking if signs were real. Do we actually get messages from our loved ones after they leave us? Is God at work or is it all just wishful thinking? Once a non-believer, there were too many ‘coincidences’ for Tim to keep denying that something more powerful than he understood was at work.

Follow along and be amazed as one father tries to find a way to heal himself and his family while the signs become more and more frequent. The story is a roller coaster of emotions; if you have ever lost someone that you loved When the Cardinal Calls is a must-read.

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