What’s In Your Way IS The Way Archives with Mary O’Malley
How to Bring Healing to Your Suffering
08-02-18 How to Bring Healing to Your Suffering In this world where everything is constantly changing, we all experience pain - the loss of dreams, of friendships, of love, of health and the sharp ache of disappointments, disillusions and broken promises. What do we...
The Healing Celebrity Suicides can Bring Us
06-21-18 The Healing Celebrity Suicides can Bring Us Our hearts hurt when we hear of people who have committed suicide, especially people who have fame and fortune. How could people with so much have nothing to live for? Maybe what they have is not what we truly...
Accepting Yourself Exactly As You Are. It is Possible!
06-07-18 Accepting Yourself Exactly As You Are. It is Possible! We have all been conditioned to believe that we need to be different than what we are to be okay. This belief runs so deep inside of us that we don’t usually question it. Join Mary in discovering how...
The Healing Happening in Our World
05-24-18 The Healing Happening in Our World Imagine how you would feel if you saw that, rather than being a breakdown time on our planet, this is a breakthrough time. Join Mary in exploring a way to view and work with all of the chaos, confusion and heartache that is...
The Joy of Relaxing into Life
05-10-18 The Joy of Relaxing into Life Our lives are so full, so busy that we hardly ever stop to simply be here for life…and thus we miss life. If you don’t want to arrive at the end of your life asking, “What was that all about?” join Mary in exploring the joy, the...
The Best Friend You Will Ever Know
04-26-18 The Best Friend You Will Ever Know We have become a society of shallow breathers and the price we pay in our physical, mental and emotional health is enormous. Join Mary in exploring an easy and simple way to rediscover your natural breath so you can not...
Your Amazingly Wonderful Beautiful Heart
04-12-18 Your Amazingly Wonderful Beautiful Heart With everything you long for (relationships, better health, money, success), what you truly long for is to come home to your heart. All true, lasting healing happens in the heart - your healing, the healing of your...
Life’s Sometimes Weird Sense of Humor and How to Deal with It
03-29-18 Life’s Sometimes Weird Sense of Humor and How to Deal with It Life is like the weather. It can be sunny and warm one day and windy and rainy the next. When life throws you a curve ball – a day that is very different from how you want it to be – there are...
A Revolutionary Way to Healthy, Alive and Loving Relationships
02-15-18 A Revolutionary Way to Healthy, Alive and Loving Relationships We deeply long for healthy, alive and loving relationships. But so often the challenges seem to overwhelm the connection and the love. Join Mary in exploring a way to work with all of your...
Pain Doesn’t Have to be So Painful
02-01-18 Pain Doesn’t Have to be So Painful We all have pain. It ranges all the way from how much it hurts to stub your toe to getting a terminal diagnosis. We have been conditioned to react, resist and contract around our pains. There is another way to be with the...
The Easiest Way to Transform Your World
01-04-18 The Easiest Way to Transform Your World At this time of year we oftentimes commit to changing ourselves and our world. And yet, statistics show that even with the best of intentions, these changes fade away after a relatively short period of time. Come...
Healing and Being Healed by Our Compulsions
12-29-17 Healing and Being Healed by Our Compulsions Dreamvisions 7 Radio YouTube Live Episode What’s In Your Way IS the Way with Mary O’Malley It is that time of year again when we try to wrestle our compulsions to the ground. Have you noticed that this usually...
The Magic of Inclusion
12-14-17 The Magic of Inclusion It looks like we live in a world that is addicted to exclusion. We put out of our hearts people who have different opinions and even people who are just different. We also put out of our hearts parts of ourselves that we consider not...
Living in the Now???
12-04-17 Living in the Now??? Dreamvisions 7 Radio YouTube Live Episode What’s In Your Way IS the Way with Mary O’Malley Topic: Living in the Now??? View Video here: https://youtu.be/Ci1ghwGT3Qs
Beyond Seeking, Searching and Trying
11-30-17 Beyond Seeking, Searching and Trying So much of our energy is spent in trying to make ourselves and our lives different or “better” than what they are. Have you noticed that this is an endless exercise in not quite getting to the place you want to be? ...
Reconnect with the Joy of Being You!
11-24-17 Topic: Reconnect with the Joy of Being You! Dreamvisions 7 Radio YouTube Live Episode What’s In Your Way IS the Way with Mary O’Malley Topic: Reconnect with the Joy of being you! View Video here: https://youtu.be/RXoa9fLFDOY
Our Addiction to Perfection
11-16-17 Our Addiction to Perfection What would it be like if it were okay for you to be you…exactly as you are? Most of us don’t experience ourselves in this way. Instead we have a secret belief that we need to be better or different than what we are in order to be...
Meeting Your Edge
11-02-17 Meeting Your Edge Not only can you make a difference in the world. You can make a powerful difference in the world. When you discover where you hold on, where you react and resist life, this is your edge, the place where you disconnect from life. Even...
The Joy of Spacious Curiosity
09-21-17 The Joy of Spacious Curiosity I invite you to join me in exploring the joy of spacious curiosity. Imagine you are on a retreat with a group of other people who are quieting their minds and opening their hearts. Imagine discovering the ability to come out of...
The Healing Power of Anger
09-07-17 The Healing Power of Anger Anger is a powerful force that can be used to attack and hurt or it can be used to heal. Join Mary in exploring how to create a relationship with anger that allows you access to your fire without it hurting yourself or others.