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04-02-17  What Does Speech Therapy Consist of and Who Can Benefit with Kari Star

Kari Star is a Speech Language Pathologist who practices at SouthCoast ENT, Speech & Swallow Clinic and Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy in Southeastern MA. Kari is well known in the field for providing holistic therapy with compassion & kindness. Kari has been recognized for her leadership & clinical skills by her peers by winning the Presidents Award at SouthCoast Hospital Group. Kari has lectured at the national level for the ALS Association of MA, symposium for patients & caregivers regarding dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), Brain Injury Association of MA, regarding integrative speech, language & cognitive therapy for those with traumatic brain injury , and for Southern New England Rehab Hospital re: functional speech & cognitive therapy for those with Multiple Sclerosis

In 2016 Kari inspired the popular childrens book “Snowball’s Great Adventure” Like Snowball on Facebook Here, using it as a clinical goal to improve word retrieval, memory and overall language function with a young woman diagnosed with Leukodystrophy. Since 2014, Kari has collaborated with Lisa Yauch Cadden of Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy to facilitate community based & supported socialization & memory groups with adults empowering people to connect using the skills they have despite their limitations  or medical diagnosis. This successful program has been accepted by the national committee Aphasia Access, to share outcomes data on its effectiveness in improving socialization, communication and healthy aging.

Kari & Lisa are grateful to Coastline Elderly of M.A. and the Rhode Island Foundations for their supportive grants. To reach Kari:

For additional resources regarding Speech Pathologists, communication, cognitive and or dysphagia, please contact the American Speech Hearing Association ( ASHA) at , National Aphasia Association at, &/or Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy at

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