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10-10-14 Topic: We Are All Connected: Premonition, Extrasensory Perception, and Distance Healing – The Latest Scientific Findings – Conversation with Dr. Larry Dossey

Visionaries and pioneers, Larry and Barbara Dossey courageously champion innovative, holistic medical paradigms that empower individuals. Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, HNC, FAAN and Larry Dossey, MD, are recipients of numerous awards including the 2004 Pioneer of Integrative Medicine Award and the 2003 Archon Award. While based on hard science, their books and lectures affirm the inseparable unity of body, mind and spirit.

This distinguished Texas physician, deeply rooted in the scientific world, has become an internationally influential advocate of the role of the mind in health and the role of spirituality in healthcare. Bringing the experience of a practicing internist and the soul of a poet to the discourse, Dr. Larry Dossey offers panoramic insight into the nature and the future of medicine.

Upon graduating with honors from the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Dossey worked as a pharmacist while earning his M.D. degree from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, 1967. Before completing his residency in internal medicine, he served as a battalion surgeon in Vietnam, where he was decorated for valor. Dr. Dossey helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, the largest group of internal medicine practitioners in that city, and was Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital in 1982.

An education steeped in traditional Western medicine did not prepare Dr. Dossey for patients who were blessed with “miracle cures,” remissions that clinical medicine could not explain. “Almost all physicians possess a lavish list of strange happenings unexplainable by normal science,” says Dr. Dossey. “A tally of these events would demonstrate, I am convinced, that medical science not only has not had the last word, it has hardly had the first word on how the world works, especially when the mind is involved.”

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