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 DrMiller Justine12-18-15  Wake Up to Your Dreams: Transform Your Relationships, Career, and Health While You Sleep – a Conversation with Justina Lasley

“Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake” – Henry David Thoreau

We usually think of our waking lives as the source of information becoming a truth, and guidance. And our dreams as flipped out distortions of our much more reasonable and important waking lives. As Justina Lasley shows us, our dreams can be the bridge to great wisdom. You will see from her personal story of how dreams awakened her from her rigid and limited lifestyle and transformed her life, how dreams can inform, enlighten, and guide us.

Justina Lasley, holds a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and a B.A. in both Applied Art and Education, is the Founder and Director of the Institute for Dream Studies, an internationally recognized program that promotes the understanding and value of dreams to help people claim their uniqueness and full potential. She is also the creator of DreamSynergy™, a comprehensive process with proven results for uncovering dream meaning leading to personal transformation.

You will enjoy this rich and deep conversation, gain a new respect for the potential of our dreams, and learn some valuable ways to interact with your dreams. Dreams can be understood through the lenses of character, belief, and emotion, and they are a powerful channel to our power and passion.

Justina is the author of Honoring the Dream: A Handbook for Dream Group LeadersIn My Dream…, a unique dream journal and her recently published book Wake Up to Your Dreams: Transform Your Relationships, Career, and Health While You Sleep, and will share some of the many tools she has found to help open this inspiring door to an expanded reality.

Be prepared for an intriguing and entertaining hour, concluding with a beautiful guided meditation.

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