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06-04-19 Undisrupted: How highly-effective people deal with disruptions with John Vespasian

Is your life running smoothly, always filled with success and happiness? Or do you sometimes face disruptions and periods of chaos? If this is the case, you need the lessons contained in this book:

  • How industrialist Savva Mamontov could have prevented disruption from destroying his life.
  • Why Albert Schweitzer only grew happy and famous after turning his life upside down.
  • The disruptive strategy that enabled Joseph Paxton, a simple gardener, to become wealthy.
  • How it is possible that the all-powerful Knights Templar were wiped out overnight.
  • The method conceived by Abbot Suger in the twelfth century for running projects smoothly.
  • Which variation of positive thinking Emile Coue invented for overcoming disruptions.
  • This book presents real-life lessons that can massively increase your ability to succeed in the face of disruptions.

JOHN VESPASIAN is the author of ten books about rational living, including “When everything fails, try this” (2009), “Rationality is the way to happiness” (2009), “The philosophy of builders” (2010), “The 10 principles of rational living” (2012), “Rational living, rational working” (2013), “Consistency: The key to permanent stress relief” (2014), “On becoming unbreakable” (2015), “Thriving in difficult times” (2016), “Sequentiality: The amazing power of finding the right sequence of steps” (2017), and “Undisrupted: How highly-effective people deal with disruptions” (2019).

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