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09-04-23 The Stormwater Innovation Center: Growing Green Infrastructure

Guests Roy Arezzo, Urban Stormwater Education and Outreach Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy;

Rebecca Reeves, Education & Outreach Coordinator, Stormwater Innovation Center/Audubon Society of Rhode Island

Managed by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island, the Stormwater Innovation Center (SIC) in Providence, RI, demonstrates a series of nature-based solutions that address a variety of water quality issues. Cyanobacteria blooms are one major sign of poor water quality. SIC scientists, engineers, educators and volunteers are working together to solve this and other water quality problems. The Center uses over 40 green stormwater infrastructure practices, which exemplify best management practices (termed BMPs). Installed by the Providence Parks Department, these BMPs show how an effective stormwater infrastructure system is designed, constructed and maintained.

Roy ArezzoGuest Roy Arezzo is the Urban Stormwater Education and Outreach Coordinator for The Nature Conservancy, working in collaboration with the Stormwater Innovation Center. In addition to monitoring local water bodies, his water quality work is focused on prevention and awareness regarding Cyanobacteria Blooms. With a biology background and a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Science Education, he worked as a science teacher at several urban schools.


Rebecca ReevesGuest Rebecca Reeves is the SIC Education & Outreach Coordinator with the Audubon Society of Rhode Island. Working in collaboration with many partner organizations, she is responsible for professional training, school programming and community outreach. Through its education and outreach initiatives, the SIC builds public awareness around stormwater issues and how they relate to environmental concerns such as supporting native habitat and wildlife. Reeves also coordinates events, including the Annual Rain Harvest Festival.




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