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2012 WINNER: NY BOOK FESTIVAL; LOS ANGELES BOOK FESTIVAL AND SAN FRANCISCO’S GREEN BOOK FESTIVAL. Our awakening is upon us. We live in a mystical time—a time unlike any other. Extraordinary events are soon to unfold. In fact, one already has. A coded Biblical message has been discovered. God has spoken, and this celestial wisdom will guide mankind into the next level of human consciousness. This riveting message teaches the ‘One’ God is not realized through the church or religious ideology. God does not exist ‘outside’ of man. God is an all-encompassing, extraordinary creative force imbued in all things—including Adam (mankind). For the first time in human history, you can know the Bible’s untold secrets that are shockingly different and astounding.

This advanced and mind-boggling enlightenment challenges the age-old matrix of illusions and defies religion’s biased teachings that have led this creation off course. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world and, frankly, the man of our past got God all wrong. You are about to journey on an untraveled path that sheds light on an unknown story: The message of the Luchot—an unparalleled level of enlightenment contained within the “first tablets” Moses brought down the mountain. The secret is out. Most have assumed the Luchot was exactly the same as the Ten Commandments, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Over 3000 years ago, at the depths of God’s written word, a hidden language defining our very existence was embedded in the ancient writings of Moses. Time would pass. Religions would rise. Yet, the highest level of awareness into God and creation would remain hidden from the minds and hearts of man. Silent and overlooked, the truth of God would lay dormant—lost to humanity. For ages, man has lived through a distorted view of God and creation. Through misguided beliefs, the human story has unfolded and man created his reality—both his beauty and his wrath. Humanity has come full circle, and we now find ourselves in a time the prophets foresaw.

We have reached a precipice, and the choice is ours: What level of God consciousness do we desire to become? Humanity will soon undergo an extraordinary transformation. We are the generation the Creator has been waiting for. The time is now to break free and become more than we were before. Together, we will give birth to a new beginning. Genesis is upon us.

Purchase on Amazon: The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken

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