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02-19-17    The Four Reason’s Why You Are Not Guilty

The purpose of today’s show is to offer a way out from our limited and debilitating beliefs that we’ve blindly accepted, by exploring how and why sin and guilt are illusions.

What if we no longer have to live in fear of suffering and eternal damnation, or be plagued by constant nagging doubt or unworthiness brought on by the beliefs in sin and guilt? What if, instead, we could live every moment in the state of love and peace, and thereby be better able to fulfill our true purpose?

Devrah’s book, Leap to Freedom – Healing Quantum Guilt, will change your perception of guilt forever by freeing you from the beliefs that you are guilty, sinful, and unworthy.

This talk, entitled: The Four Reason’s Why You Are Not Guilty, will help you identify with your true self and with your inherent oneness with all beings. You will learn to empower yourself and others in positive loving ways rather than in combative ways. With support from scientific discoveries as well as ancient spiritual teachings, you will be able to dispel the belief that you are the “doer” of action.

You will better understand how and why we have so many difficulties in our lives. In addition, you will realize that taking responsibility for a new way of thinking, is all that is required for you to transform your experiences from pain and victimization to peace and love. Herein lies your innocence and your true freedom! This then leads to a new perspective on your relationships with which you can ultimately end the conflicts both within yourself and with others. Take the leap and discover your own freedom and interconnectedness with all beings and from this point offer the highest service to mankind.

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