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06-18-17  The Benefit of a Living Master

Bio: Arran Stephens has been involved in the organic foods movement for fifty years (co-founder of North America’s largest independent organic breakfast company, founded on the principle of leaving the earth better than we found it). He is an accomplished artist, author of three books, gardener, philanthropist and volunteer.

At a young age, Arran traveled to India to sit with a great spiritual Master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894-1974), from whom he learned the transformative practice of inner Light and Sound-current meditation. From this adept, and from his spiritual successors, Arran learned how to become a better, kinder, humbler, more inclusive human being.

Arran helped build the Science of Spirituality Meditation and Ecology Centre in Richmond, BC, under the loving guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, a modern living Master in an ancient mystic tradition. The Richmond Centre offers free organic gardening and vegetarian cooking classes from time to time. Organic produce from the abundant garden is used in the Langar, a communal kitchen that serves free vegetarian meals to 75 to 100 people each Sunday. The SOS Centre has become a beacon of light and love in a materialistic society where many seekers come to find peace, joy, help in meditation, fellowship and an opportunity to grow spiritually. It is one of hundreds of Science of Spirituality Centers around the globe.

Science of Spirituality is run on Seva, or selfless service, and strengthened through the practice of meditation on the inner Light and Sound, initiation into which is given free of charge by a living Master of this science. These two, combined, enable steady inner progress. Indeed, the purpose of life is to realize the true self and the Creator, while serving the community and those in need.

This summer of 2017, seekers are welcome to meet and hear the Master, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, July 1 & 2 at the Chan Centre at UBC.

Seekers worldwide can refer to the Science of Spirituality website to see where Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj will be traveling to next…possibly a city near you…
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Arran lives in Vancouver BC with his life partner and wife Ratana Stephens. Together, with their children and grandchildren, they aim to leave the earth better than they found it through their business and philanthropic activities. They have received many honors for their commitment to making the world a better place. (people, if interested, can look up these honors and awards on-line)

Arran Stephens blog:
Arran Stephens TEDx Talk:
Arran Stephens LinkedIn:
Moth and the Flame by Arran Stephens:
Nature’s Path:
Arran Stephens – The Deeper Side blog by Gurdeep Stephens:
Science of Spirituality:
SOS Meditation & Ecology Centre in Richmond BC:

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