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02-21-17   The 7th Law of Collaboration – Find your Pride

The 7th Law of Collaboration – Find your Pride, is the law that asks us to look carefully at the health of our relationships be they with family, social group, work colleagues or community. We regain our own pride as we find our special place, learning to work with each other across the barriers of nationality, education, culture, language or economic status. The outcome we can expect by shifting into wholeness and an understanding of the unique place we occupy, is far different from the outcome we would generate by working from a place of ego and arrogance. Linda unpacks for us how working in alignment with this Law of Collaboration brings us into the abundant, blessed flow of Universal energy; but misalignment can lead to gangsterism, bullying, the undermining of minority groups and indifference to the pain of others.

We have been sharing in recent weeks about our White Lion Leadership Academy and how that event brought 14 strangers together from many different parts of the world. Rev Debbie Schmidt joins us on this episode of One United Roar, to tell us how the Law of Collaboration worked when our participants were let loose on a kitchen. More was learned than we could have anticipated! Join us for this great conversation and a special peak into the COLLABORATIVE world of the White Lion Leadership Academy.

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