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simran singh05-10-22 LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience with Simran Singh

Let me introduce you to… LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience

— If there were a life manual that could guide you through every experience, would You want to know?
— Did You know there are 7 unorthodox blessings that form a rhythmic cycle for attaining mastery?
— Are You aware that each stage of blessings comes with specific gifts that can be unlocked?

Our Evolutionary Voices Host, Simran who is publisher of 11:11 Magazine and host of 11:11 Talk Radio is releasing the first of 3 powerful books on self-realization. LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience is a navigation tool for how to move upon 7 paths to awaken specific energies, areas of growth, expansions of truth and deepening of wisdom in order to integrate aspects of self and inherent soul gifts. This is more than a book. It is a rich tapestry of soulful awareness.

Order Your copy of LIVING now:  Click Here for Amazon

There are three of you: selfSelf, and SELF, represented by the eyes, the i, and the I. The dimension of You/you that encompasses story, identity and persona is Self. This is personhood. While, self is the dimension of your unconscious shadow and animal parts that arose out of  wounding, conditioning, upbringing and collective social impact, SELF is the highest individualized state of YOUOneness/ONENESS encompasses all of these dimensions and more. This includes the internal world, what is projected outwardly as life, and what exists beyond the illusion of life as truly real.

All blessings, those that arise out of light or density, are in service to your greater experience of aliveness. The open heart, free spirit and untethered soul remains available to the unfolding adventure of awe and wonder, regardless of what appears. Imagine living each day of your life in celebration, especially amidst your difficult, most challenging and painful moments. From this perspective, even challenges are embraced in a manner that absorbs the effects of pain. Facing life with commitment to whatever it brings is a sacred act of communion. Life’s intent is to dissolve barriers that keep You/you bound and wound. Life fulfills its commitment by becoming your softening agent.

SIMRAN is Author of an award winning trilogy – (1) IPPY and IPA Gold Award-winning Conversations With The Universe, (2) Your Journey to Enlightenment and (3) IPPY Gold Award-winning Your Journey to Love in addition to #1 rated, archived syndicated host of Voice America’s 11:11 Talk Radio and Dreamvisions 7 Radio. Publisher of Nautilus Award-winning 11:11 Magazine. . SIMRAN creates art, books, and online courses to bridge humanity’s experience and expression. Along with being a Tedx speaker, SIMRAN has a release of the first of HER new self-realization trilogy; LIVING: THE 7 BLESSINGS OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE released December 14, 2021. This will be followed by additional releases in 2022 of the books BEING: THE 7 ILLUSIONS THAT DERAIL PERSONAL POWER, PURPOSE AND PEACE … and… KNOWING: THE 7 HUMAN EXPRESSIONS OF GRACE

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