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06-14-16   Sutures of the Mind, Author Rick Jetter PhD.

Sutures of the Mind provides a major interconnection between how we can use the art of mindfulness as we strengthen our minds and spirit. *Sutures of the Mind is a practical handbook for supporting any type of recovery, tragedy, or tribulation in life. *30 activities that are outlined in each chapter can be regularly practiced by anyone for living a mentally healthy life. *Sutures of the Mind will assist readers to move away from negativity. *Readers will focus on the here-and-now versus the past. *Spiritual strength will also be heightened.

Dr. Rick Jetter is book writing and publishing counselor, an educational consultant, and a multi-genre author.  He works with talented writers and authors on getting their work out to publishers for consideration.  He also works with school districts across the nation through his narrative theory research platform when assisting schools or districts to improve their culture, student achievement, or community relations.  He is the author of several books across various genres and is the founder of RJ Consultants.

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