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07-02-18 Radical Transformational Leadership: What does this imply? Guest Speaker: Sudarshan Rodriguez

Demystifying complexity for wide-spread informed participation

Everyday leadership is anchored in universal values, the ability to shift unworkable systems as well as norms and mindful implementation. This requires us to learning-in-action programs in order to foster leadership of others. In these learning-in-action platforms, we individually develop our agency; and then we learn to journey together in resonance with others, generating synergistic results. These platforms are spaces for enhancing shared leadership– the ability to both lead transformation and to support others to lead transformation.

The tools and templates related to the conscious full spectrum approach are simple, universally applicable and accessible, enabling ordinary people make extraordinary contributions. Demystifying science, technology, planning methodologies and the manner in which knowledge is presented by experts—are all essential for informed participation of people.

We must stand alone, but not ‘go it alone’. This may seem like a paradox, but it is not. ‘Stand-alone’ means to stand in the power of my being, my agency, anchoring it in what I deeply care about, BEING the change I want to see. Not to ‘go it alone’ is about collective action and partnerships that generate results. As we journey through life, we bring our unique gifts for humanity, and sometimes, we must be able to ‘stand-alone’. Let’s explore what this means to us as we work together.

Rabindranath Tagore’s song in Bengali “Ekla Cholo Re” scripted over a century ago during India’s freedom movement, is inspiring.
If they answer not to your call, walk alone;
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
Open your mind and speak out alone.

Fifth Episode: Guest in the 2nd segment: Sudarshan Rodriguez

Bio: Sudarshan Rodriguez is a professional of multi-disciplinary backgrounds in disaster management, environment sciences, environmental economics, policy and environmental law. He started his career in 1998 with UNDP-India, New Delhi as a Programme Development Specialist on their Environment & GEF Programme. He has since then worked in several locations with a range of civil society groups on inter-disciplinary aspects of natural resources and disaster management. He also engaged in advocacy related activities and networking with various stakeholders on the coast consisting of conservation, environment and fish worker groups involved with coastal-marine conservation/management, rights and livelihood issues.

Since 2010, he has been a Senior Programme Coordinator at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in the director’s office handling innovative and trans disciplinary projects-TISS-LAHDC Ladakh Project, the Socio and Ecological Stewardship Programme TISS Andaman Nicobar Initiative, National Water Mission -TISS Project , Mahatma Gandhi Academy for Human Development, Nagaland and the TISS Fellowship Programme, where as a practitioner coach he fosters and mentors young development professionals on leadership, project design and management for whole systems transformation and cultural shifts.

He is passionate about demystifying knowledge, science and technology and making it work for planetary and people’s well being and always stretches to engage with issues from multiple perspectives and a holistic frame that is ethical and just for both people and planet. He is practitioner coach trained under Dr. Monica Sharma since 2011 in the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response Approach, a transformational leadership approach based on universal values and ethic developed & created by her based on extensive experience in the application of various methods for tangible results for people’s development worldwide.

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