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Letter to EPA on Study Showing 3rd and 4th generation Harm from Glyphosate

 And an Additional Paper Showing the Devastating Impact of Environmental Toxins on Current Generations

To the EPA Pesticide Review Board,
This new Kubsad et al study shows that the impact to the immediate generation of animals exposed to glyphosate was minimally harmed*, but the 3rd and 4th generations (with no further glyphosate exposure) were statistically significantly more harmed. Is this the legacy you want to leave your grand and great-grand-children? You will not be able to retract your decision, or the harm done to them. Your children and grandchildren, when faced with devastating health issues in their children, will wonder why you did not act…if you don’t.

But you can act. You can revoke the license of glyphosate.

It is imperative that you put the safety of not only current but future generations before the profits of chemical companies.

From Kubsad study:
In summary, glyphosate was found to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and pathology through germline (i.e. sperm) epimutations. Negligible pathology was observed in the F0 and F1 generations, while a significant increase in pathology and disease was observed in the F2 generation grand-offspring and F3 generation great-grand-offspring. Therefore, glyphosate appears to have a low or negligible toxic risk for direct exposure, but promotes generational toxicology in future generations”

There have been over 84,000 chemicals approved by the EPA since the 1940’s, thousands of which our children, who have underdeveloped livers which cannot detoxify as adults do, are exposed to. These toxins impact our children in more ways than just the above study on glyphosate alone is capable of showing. For instance, this study by Antiniou et al. shows glyphosate, combined with other factors, causes the increased growth of an aggressive breast cancer called Lumin B that is usually found in young women in their 20’s. LEARN MORE HERE


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