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Linda Joy02-06-23 Authentic Storytelling for Connection & Healing with Mindset Elevation Coach, Storytelling Guide and Bestselling Publisher, Linda Joy

This week we are talking about the power of Authentic Storytelling for Connection and Healing with my special guest, Mindset Elevation Coach, Storytelling Guide and Bestselling Publisher, Linda Joy. What a powerful episode this is! You won’t want to miss this one so tune in every Monday in February at 5am or 5pmET and if you can’t tune in live, then catch it in the archived episodes forever!

I open this episode by talking about why our stories are so important and how releasing our negative stories leads us to our most powerful stories. As we start to uncover these negative stories, it’s very important to remember to honor ourselves for telling all stories as every story serves a noble purpose. They all lead us closer to where we want to be, so as Linda reminds us, have compassion for yourself when you find a story that you have been telling that no longer serves you.  I love teaching people how to do this in my book if you need more tips and practices.

The conversation delves deep into the theme of storytelling when Linda shares some of the most heartfelt, goosebump-inducing, personal stories that highlight a pivotal moment in her life when she realized the power of story!  She’ll go into the history of how and when she realized sharing her stories helped her to heal and connect with other people on a deeper, more meaningful level. I was so moved when Linda recounted a moment at a speaking engagement when she was divinely guided to share a powerful visual with a group of women to help them embrace the power that their own stories hold as a vehicle to connect authentically with others and express our whole self. Linda is known for being able to find the blessing even in the hardest of moments and she shares personal stories that exemplify this amazing quality. I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to celebrate February than listening to Linda’s stories of love and connection and of course, how Looking for the Good in life, transformed her and everyone around her. Tune in dear friends, you’ll want to soak up every nugget of wisdom Linda has to offer.

Tune in to hear about how you can choose to turn your victim story into a victor story!

Linda Joy’s Bio:

Mindset Elevation Coach, Storytelling Guide and Bestselling Publisher Linda Joy has been using the power of storytelling to transform her own life over the last thirty years. Storytelling empowered her to go from welfare mom to award-winning entrepreneur. To date her Authentic Storytelling™ writing and publishing model has guided over 240 women in sharing their story in her company’s sacred anthology division. She is also the publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006. Founded in 2010, Inspired Living Publishing’s sacred anthology division continues to support women, many of them entrepreneurs, to overcome their mindset blocks around writing and embrace their inner storyteller
to become bestselling authors. She is also the creatrix behind multiple other inspirational media brands dedicated to giving women entrepreneurs a platform to elevate their visibility and amplify their message so their aligned audience can find them.

Visit for your free “Embrace Your
Inner Storyteller Writing Prompts” gift and to receive VIP notice on the upcoming anthology and writing circles. You can also find out more about Linda at

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